Thursday, May 14, 2020

4 Top Jobs For Hands-On People

4 Top Jobs For Hands-On People With all the different career paths there are available, choosing the right one can be a real challenge. When you are stuck in this quandary, there are a variety of potential routes you can take. One great option is to choose your new job according to what kind of thing you enjoy doing in your spare time. This is an effective way of honing in on your strengths, as well as finding something that you are likely to enjoy. If you are like a lot of people, you get a thrill from working with your hands. This is a common experience, and it is a valuable commodity in the job marketplace. If that description applies well to you, then this post may be of some help. Here are the top jobs for those who enjoy working with their hands.eval1. BricklayerImage CreditBricklayers carry out some of the most important work in our society. Without them, after all, there would be little in the way of housing or commercial properties.But is it the right career for you? Those who enjoy it say that it is a de ceptively therapeutic pastime, so if that sounds up your street then maybe it is worth considering. One thing is for sure: you will need to have a real sense of patience.The main disadvantage leveled against bricklaying as a profession is that it can get a little tedious. Why not give it a go and see how you feel?2. MechanicImage Credit If lying under a car with Air Tools in your hand is more to your liking, then consider becoming a mechanic.Mechanics are experts regarding all things motorized, so this is a real skill that you might enjoy picking up. What’s more, it is probably better-paid than you might have assumed. That, coupled with the great potential for climbing the career ladder, makes this a real viable career option. Ideal for anyone who likes getting their hands dirty.3. PlumberPlumbing is a career which can provide you with many great benefits â€" some of which you might not have even considered. Plumbers enjoy a very competitive salary, and one which increases year up on year at a pretty steady rate.evalBut that’s not all. Plumbing is one of the most secure jobs around. There are always plumbing jobs available, so you know that it is a career you can rely on. And what could be better than being paid to fix people’s serious home problems? The fiddly and intricate nature of this profession makes it a joy for puzzle-lovers.4. Massage TherapistImage CreditOn a slight change of track, we have the job of massage therapist. This is one hands-on job which can provide you with some feel-good advantages. Your average massage therapist will earn a pretty decent amount most of the time. Bear in mind, however, that this depends on the number of clients. This is an enjoyable job, but one which lacks the security of some of the others. Nonetheless, it is a real option for anyone with soft hands and a gentle touch.

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